Good Morning!

May 8, 2017

Good Morning and Happy Monday Everyone! It is a beautiful sunny Florida morning here.  I am going to start adding recipes and get this site rolling! Please be patient with me though. Although I cook everyday, I am one of those people that rarely ever follows a recipe completely. Even if I get a recipe out of a cookbook or a magazine, I do not ever actually follow it. I always have to adjust it to suit my personal taste and to make it my own. I love to get creative. I do not write down exact measurements and quantities. I usually just wing it and work on auto pilot. What this means is that my recipes are not usually readily available. I can always tell you what I put in them but I can’t always tell you how much.  It will take time for me to go through and write them down.  I will do my best to post as often as I can, and to keep the recipes coming. I hope that you enjoy them! Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram ….Glutenfreeflavorfulcooking.

Hi Everyone! Thanks for joining me!

Hi Everyone! Thanks for joining me! My name is Tina. I am not a Chef. I have no professional cooking training or background. I am simply a Wife and a Mother, who absolutely loves to cook. I spend many hours in my kitchen.

My two daughters, and myself, were diagnosed with Celiac disease a little over 5 years ago. At that time, I emptied my kitchen of all Gluten and my house officially became Gluten Free. My family is very sensitive to cross contamination, so even the slightest crumb can wreak havoc on our bodies. It was a very intimidating process at first. There was a huge learning curve, and I am still learning everyday as we go along. Fortunately, it has gotten easier with time. There is so much more recognition and awareness now in general. As a result, there are so many more products available, labeling is getting easier to read, and gluten containing ingredients are often more readily identified. This makes Gluten Free meal prep a lot less intimidating.

As I mentioned, I love to cook. I am used to doing a lot of entertaining and cooking for family and friends. I am also used to being the “go to” mom when a bunch of hungry teenagers need to eat. (When you have teenagers requesting that you make specific dishes for them, you know that you are doing something right!) So, in addition to cooking regular sized family meals, I often cook to feed a crowd. People always love my cooking, which is a huge compliment, and if I didn’t tell them, they wouldn’t even know that it was Gluten Free. However, there is always that one person who instantly refuses to taste something, or assumes it is not good, the minute that they hear the words “Gluten Free”. You would be surprised at how many adults, not just kids wrinkle their nose the minute you say “Gluten Free.” It gets an even worse reaction than saying “diet”, or “low fat”,  or “sugar free”. LOL Imagine their surprise when they taste something and realize that Gluten Free doesn’t mean flavorless! The reality is that a lot of foods are naturally gluten free. Gluten does not actually have a flavor. Gluten is more of a texture thing. That is why the only time that I really feel like you notice a difference, or can identify a dish as gluten free when eating, is if it is a bread item or baked goods. The texture is just not as firm and as elastic as items that contain Gluten. However, with the right recipes, even your baked goods will get rave reviews.

I constantly get asked to share my recipes. Over the years, I have had numerous people ask me to help them learn to cook gluten free, and to adjust recipes for them. Many people that find out that they have to go gluten free, panic.( I certainly did at first!) They immediately assume that they will no longer be able to enjoy tasty meals and treats. They think that they will no longer be able to eat like everyone else. The truth is, that is not correct! The fact is, they cannot eat Gluten like everyone else, but that is the end of their limitations. They can enjoy most of the same, delicious foods with minor adjustments. That is how I ended up here. I wanted to have a place to show people, who are intimidated by going Gluten Free, that it will be okay. I wanted to let them see that they will still be able to enjoy plenty of good cooking. I wanted to have an opportunity to help others by letting them see that anybody can cook gluten free with very little effort.  I wanted to share and receive advice and recommendations about Gluten Free brands and products. I also wanted a place to be able to share my recipes with friends and family who are always requesting them. This site will allow me to do all of these things in one place. I want to share my cooking with those who are interested.

Everything that I cook is Gluten Free. However, there is always the possibility of all other allergens in any and all of my recipes. My family is only avoiding Gluten and Gluten containing ingredients, no other ingredients, so that is the only thing that I avoid when cooking. So, please read all ingredients if you have other food allergies or intolerances. I hope that this site will help everyone that wants to enjoy delicious food everyday. Everything that I post on here has been prepared in my kitchen, by me,  and approved by my family and or friends. I am not a fancy cook, just a real life, everyday cook. Some of my recipes are all from scratch while others are not. A lot of recipes can be made either way, depending on the amount of time that you have or want to put into them. Although some of my recipes are healthy, others are not, they are just tasty. This is not intended to be a healthy eating site, although it is a plus when that happens. It is just a Gluten Free site for everyday, non professional cooks.

Our schedule gets crazy sometimes, but I still usually cook a full dinner every night. I use my crockpot to help with the busiest times. My goal is to have a variety of recipes and meals that can be prepped with very little time, and some that can be prepped on days when you have more time to be in the kitchen. I want to give options to all kinds of scenarios for all people. No matter how much time you are able to spend in the kitchen, or how well you know your way around the kitchen, you should always be able to get a delicious Gluten Free meal on the table for your loved ones. Many of my recipes are very easy, so you do not have to be a “good”or experienced cook to be able to make them. You just have to be determined. Remember, I am not a Chef! My cooking is not fancy, it is just real life, everyday cooking for the average family. If I can do it, you can do it too! Gluten Free doesn’t have to be flavorless and intimidating! Please enjoy as I share some Gluten Free, Flavorful recipes, and good luck in your kitchen!       Tina