About Me:

Hi! My name is Tina Ford. I am not a Chef, but I love to cook! I am a wife and the mother of 2 beautiful daughters. My daughters and myself are all Celiac. We are all highly sensitive to any cross contamination. Therefore, my house is entirely gluten free. This makes life easy and keeps us healthy and safe. I enjoy being creative in the kitchen and feeding people food that makes them happy. My family and friends enjoy delicious, Gluten Free, food every day in my home. Not fancy cooking, just real life, GF cooking. Sometimes my meals are basic, quick, and simple. Other times, they take a lot of time and devotion. Sometimes my meals are all homemade and other times I use pre-made mixes and ingredients. It all depends on my mood, the occasion, and how much time I have. I want to share my cooking with you to show others that Gluten Free does not mean the end of flavor and fun when dining. It doesn’t have to be hard to find, special ingredients all of the time. It can be as easy or as hard as you want it to be. Life gets busy, the schedule gets crazy, but no matter what, I always manage to get a delicious, well balanced meal on the table every night. If I can do it, you can do it too! Please enjoy my site and recipes!     Tina